Can’t Wait
to Paint!
I am an Artist Available for Commission Work, Private Parties, and Teach Art Classes on a Regular Basis

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Abstract Artist in Santa Cruz County
I am a self-taught artist who loves the freedom and creativity that abstract and fluid art provides. I am available for commission work and private parties, teach art classes regularly, and have a studio in my home. I am also a member of the Santa Cruz County Open Studios Committee.

What I Offer
No strict rules and no limits on what you can create. What makes abstract art fun is that no two pieces are alike! I sell acrylic abstract and acrylic fluid art, which are created by using many different techniques and mediums. You can purchase my work from the shop page or opt for commission work by completing the commission request form, found in the Art Commissions section of my website.
My Medium
I simply love the creativity in art and design that abstract and fluid art provides. I use different mediums because I believe working in a single medium restricts the artistic process. Each idea manifests in its own individual style, and using different mediums helps expand the imagination.

My Inspiration
I draw inspiration from the colors around me and in nature, as well as from other artists, when creating my art to imagine the impossible.
I teach classes and hold private parties throughout Santa Cruz County but can travel further by request. You may also purchase my artwork directly online.